Transformative Experience
Lacy is a trauma survivor, person in recovery, and alumni of the foster care and mental health systems. Lacy uses her own hardships, experiences, and recovery as a way to coach others through Lived-Experience Leadership and shares her story to inspire others on their journey of transformation.
Over the past 15+ years, Lacy has dedicated her life to working with those who are seeking growth through coaching, strategic planning, and speaking. She has impacted more than 250,000+ individuals in over 45+ countries across 6 continents.
Worldwide Impact

Lacy reaches audiences, big and small, around the world to share her story and inspire their own transformation. Lacy has been featured on-stage and at events with celebrities like Demi Lovato, Run DMC, Ray Romano, Justin Baldoni, & Bradley Cooper.
She has met with world leaders such as then Vice-President Biden, the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca of Malta. She has been privileged to have been invited to multiple visits to the White House, testified before Congress, and the House of Lords in the UK.

Lacy shares her Lived Experience Leadership on a state, national and international level to help others discover the leader within and live their best, most authentic lives. Topics including leadership, shame, stakeholder engagement, psychological safety, and resilience can be tailored to your audience.
Keynote 1
The Journey Through Advocacy: Sustaining Yourself while Changing the World
Keynote 2
Dare to Lead™:
Live and Lead with Courage and Authenticity
Keynote 3
Women leadership in business

Lacy’s speaking engagements have taken her from college campuses to executive suits, from keynotes at social impact conferences to the Marines, and from centers of research to state departments of health. Some of her speaking engagements around the world have included:
Advanced Behavioral Services Connecticut
American Institutes of Research
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Center for the Study of Social Policy
Georgetown Institute
International Coaching Federation
International Foster Care Organization
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
Louisiana State University
Mississippi Department of Health
National Coalition on Mental Health Recovery
National Council on Behavioral Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
University of Maryland
University of Ohio
US Marine Corps
Vanguard Communications
Youth Era
Youth MOVE South Dakota